Hi, I’m hoping I can get a little help because I’m going in circles. I’m running Home Assistant on a native Raspberry Pi 4 using HassOS 5.10. I used the official add-on for deCONZ which was available in the Home Assistant add-on store and just updated it to 6.6.5. Am I correct in assuming that since I used this version, I’m not using the community container by Marthoc even though system info shows Docker Version 19.03.13? Quite frankly, I’m not sure what Docker is being used for in my configuration and I can’t find a docker folder or get the container name. Home Assistant is my intro to Docker and have already watched hours of YouTube videos so I know basically what it does but is there anything out there that is more targeted to Home Assistant.
Anyway, what I’m ultimately trying to do is update the firmware on my Conbee II.
I’ve have been pulling it out and sticking it in my Windows machine to update, but should I be shutting down my PI before I do that or there a way to safely pull it out of the Raspberry Pi
If I follow the process outlined by Marthoc, how do I get the container name so I can check with the docker logs to get the .CGF file name?
You are probably using it indirectly. Add-ons in Home Assistant are docker containers that are modified slightly to fit into the Home Assistant ecosystem. I don’t know the details of the deconz add-on, but it’s probably using the marthoc image as a base.
That’s the version of docker that’s automatically installed on your system when you install Home Assistant OS. Home Assistant Core, the supervisor and some other things are all docker containers.
My confusion is the Home Assistant documentation for the deConz modules states:
An official add-on for deCONZ is available in the Home Assistant add-on store. Otherwise, use community container by Marthoc for your deCONZ needs.
Which is why I question whether or not the Marthoc container is actually being used. But if not, the only other procedures are for Raspian, Ubuntu or Windows. I’ve been using the Windows procedure, but not sure if there is a safe way to pull the Conbee II out of the Pi so I shut it down to do that. Is that necessary?
I’m very aware of this link and procedure. The first instruction step is:
Check your deCONZ container logs for the update firmware file name: type docker logs [container name] , and look for lines near the beginning of the log that look like this, noting the .CGF file name listed (you’ll need this later):
Now my problem, as I state above, it requires I know the container name? How do I find that out? I took a chance that it might be deCONZ but when I type ‘docker logs deCONZ’ I get an error docker: command not found which implies docker is not installed.
I’m a complete noob when it comes to docker, so I don’t know what I’m doing wrong when the first instruction in the process I am to use fails.
That option hasn’t been enabled for several months, i.e. since 26660700 in early October 2020. Since then 26670700 was released the first of November then 26680700 at the end of November.
I have a first generation pi. That’s why I’ve done the firmware upgrade using windows. That’s not a problem, just need to know the what is the process of removing a usb device from the pi without damaging anything. Just pulling it out doesn’t sound like something I should be doing.