So I bought a Conbee II, put it in an USB-port of my Intel NUC, had some trouble with my zwave stick not recognized anymore, saw that the ports changed because of the addition, and now everything is nicely recognized again.
I installed the deConz add-in, and when I try to open the webui, it says: Phoscon App - login, and it stays that way. Possibly forever (although I give up after an hour, so I’m not entirely really sure about the forever part). In the configuration, device is correct.
Is this normal? Do I need to do anything else?
To answer my own question, and for future reference: it works! T.i. as long as I’m at home and open the ui there. It just doesn’t work remote, although I opened some ports (40850 and 40860, if I remember correctly). No big deal.
I also have a Conbee II.
I have the strange thing that when i’m changing the light color (temperature is working) with HomeKit It doesn’t hold the color but changes to white!
Color can be set by HA and keeps his state
Hi. Just installed the deCONZ add-on v.3.1 but can’t access the deCONZ WebUI (“Phoscon”) with “WEB UI” button. I’m using the Conbee2 stick with hassio version 0.97.2 and Duckdns. I searched this forum didn’t find any solutions yet . Does anyone here know how to properly setup deCONZ with the Conbee2 with access to the web ui? I used this Youtube vid as a guide.
Found the solution: I was using a DuckDNS webaddress but should have used the local ip address to access web ui.