Conbee II shows up as Raspee in Phoscon

I have used Deconz with the Conbee II for a couple of months now. Currently switching from Xiaomi Aqara Hub. But I after updating the firmware through the Phsocon GUI I had some pretty chaotic issues.

After updating it just didn’t want to work anymore. Just died. So I unplugged it from my Intel NUC and plugged it into my Windows laptop to do an update manually using this guide:

I have hassio installed in docker in Ubuntu Server 18.04, but I didn’t understand the docker guide so I did the update on Windows changing the IP address of the NUC to something else and the IP of my laptop to the previous IP of the NUC.

After doing the update, I restored a previous firmware to get back all my paired devices. Then my Conbee II now shows up as a Raspee in Phoscon. The issue now is that in HA the event listener randomly stops, don’t know if it’s a problem in HA or deconz (probably my conbee II that shows up as a raspee, but I don’t know). I also can’t update it now, because it thinks it’s a different device then it actually is. Does anyone have any advice for what I should do? Don’t really want to have to buy another Conbee II…

This warrants an issue on deconz github. There are some known issues with conbee 2 that will be solved in a future fw release

No, it is super easy. Go to and share your problem