Conbee II versus CC2531?

Hi, I’m thinking to dump the Xiaomi gateway and move forward with the Conbee II + deConz or CC2531 (no anttena) + zigbee2mqtt. However, i don’t know which options are the best in terms of stability, range and product compatibility. I have 20 devices and I’m living in a double storey house where my Hassio server is located at level 1.

Here are the devices that i have and i did a quick comparison,

I can’t find the Aqara wall switch and the smoke detector mentioned in the Conbee website. Wasn’t sure are they supported in Conbee. For those who is using these with Conbee, please let me know.

Need some advise on which one should i go for given the devices that i have?
Thanks in advance.


As far as I can tell, it is supported (conbee II being de hardware and deconz the software, )

As for the difference, I find the conbee II + deconz combination to be a tiny bit more stable and user friendlier compare to cc2531 + zigbee2mqtt. Deconz is available as add-on for HA with platinum integration status. :+1:t2:

Zigbee2mqtt has no UI and requires a bit of coding experience, knowhow of flashing (newer) roms to the device and requires two other components in order to do so. A CCDebugger and a Downloader cable compatible with cc2531. As where conbee gets their firmware upgrades just by going into the gui and press the update firmware button.

I was doubting myself too and got both at some point to give both a good spin off. I sticked with conbee with deconz, just because its easier.

Zigbee2mqtt supports more devices though, so if the list is all the devices you currently own, then both will be fine. If you plan to expand, check the lists for both and see what is compatible. I’ve learned deconz supports more than what is listed on the github page i referred you to, tech guys are not always the best in doing administration tasks as well xD

Last thing to consider, zigbee2mqtt is open source, deconz is not. So with zigbee2mqtt you could script to add new compatibility. Deconz is fairly easy to ask the devs and some contributors to write the compatibility for you through a request on their github page.

As for stability, both will do just fine. Get yourself a usb extension cord (small one will be fine of 0,5 meters). Both sticks are known to have issues on some systems when plugged directly into the USB port.

Then when I read about you not having enough coverage, that would mean you have an unstable zigbee mesh network. A large network requires some zigbee routers in your network to expand the range. A zigbee device plugged directly into a power source (can) act as a router. A zigbee lightbulb for example acts as a router where wireless devices can connect to to expand the range. If you only own one gateway ( xiaomi, cc2531 or conbee) And devices are not acting as a router, you could add an extra cc2531 or conbee stick to your network on the ground floor and tell them to act as routers.


Thanks for the reply. Can i use the Conbee II as my coordinator and add another cc2531 as a router?

I have Conbee II and the Honeywell/Xiaomi smoke detectors, the smoke detectors is supported. Does not show in Phoscon app, but in the old Deconz.
And show up as in HA.
I know that the Mi/Aqara switch WXKG02LM work if you need a double switch.

As routers/signal repeaters Ikea Trådfri range extenders or light bulbs is cheap an works great!

Like smurfen mentioned, you could use an ikea tradfri repeater as router.

I have never tried to implement the cc2531 as a router in my conbee + deconz network. :thinking:

Buy CC2530 + CC2591 (better range) and use zigbee2mqtt. There is a UI (zigbee2mqtt assistant) and no coding of heavy config required.

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Hi everyone,

@michel72, can you tell me more about this?

@KCYeoh, @Vasco
I heard it is possible to have a Conbee II with zigbee2mqtt, have you heard of it? Have you tried it? I wonder whether it makes a more stable network. Or if it is linked to the Second software.

It works just fine by now.
Zigbee2mqtt also has a nice web client by now

What does work fine? What is your config?

No I haven’t tried that. I use zigbee2mqtt with this module now and it works great:

The conbee II with z2m

Why using this module and not cc2531?

Is there a range or stability difference compared to cc2531 with a 3db antenna?

Could be great to know. I’m using cc2531 at the moment, but would like to know if I should consider something else

Adding routers will help.

Nice suggestion. Ordered it 1st of March. Still no shipment. It tests your patience like hell. Hope I’m not scammed.