Conbee II with zigbee2mqtt - "zh:deconz:driver: no free slots. Delay sending of APS Request"

Hi, folks,

I use the conbee II zigbee controller with zigbee2mqtt on an RPI4 – this worked fine for month. Now I get an error (zh:deconz:driver: no free slots. Delay sending of APS Request) that keeps repeating into eternity in the logs and the whole zigbee network is down.

I would appreciate ideas and/or help… Thanks

Logs that lead to the error:

|[2024-06-01 21:41:53] debug: |zh:deconz:frameparser: CHANNEL: 11|
|[2024-06-01 21:41:53] debug: |zh:deconz:driver: send read parameter request from queue. seqNr: 7 paramId: 24|
|[2024-06-01 21:41:53] debug: |zh:deconz:frameparser: NETWORK_KEY: hidden|
|[2024-06-01 21:41:53] debug: |z2m: Zigbee network parameters: {channel:11,extendedPanID:0xb263ff100863af80,panID:36663}|
|[2024-06-01 21:41:53] info: |z2m: Currently 42 devices are joined:|
|[2024-06-01 21:41:53] info: |z2m: Prvo_nadstropje-kuhinja-repeater (0x04cd15fffe08bea6): TS0207_repeater - TuYa Repeater (Router)|
|[2024-06-01 21:41:53] info: |z2m: Prvo_nadstropje-dnevna_soba-zahod-repeater (0x04cd15fffe08c41d): TS0207_repeater - TuYa Repeater (Router)|
|[2024-06-01 21:41:53] info: |z2m: Prvo nadstropje - malo stranisce - voda (0xa4c138faec3420ce): SW02 - Meian Water leak sensor (EndDevice)|
|[2024-06-01 21:41:53] info: |z2m: Spalnice - velika kopalnica - termometer (0xa4c138b0e97750c6): WSD500A - TuYa Temperature & humidity sensor (EndDevice)|
|[2024-06-01 21:41:53] info: |z2m: Zigbee: disabling joining new devices.|
|[2024-06-01 21:41:53] debug: |zh:controller: Disable joining|
|[2024-06-01 21:41:53] debug: |zh:deconz: zclFrame to all - zclFrame.payload:|
|[2024-06-01 21:41:53] debug: |zh:deconz: [object Object]|
|[2024-06-01 21:41:53] debug: |zh:deconz: sendZclFrameToAll - message send|
|[2024-06-01 21:41:53] debug: |zh:deconz:driver: DATA_REQUEST - destAddr: 0xfffd EP:242 SeqNr. 8 request id: 1|
|[2024-06-01 21:41:53] debug: |zh:deconz:frameparser: DATA_REQUEST RESPONSE - request id: 1 status: 6|
|[2024-06-01 21:41:53] debug: |zh:deconz:driver: networkstate: 0 apsDataConfirm: 0 apsDataIndication: 0 configChanged: 0 apsRequestFreeSlots: 0|
|[2024-06-01 21:41:56] debug: |zh:deconz: checking coordinator simple descriptor|
|[2024-06-01 21:41:56] debug: |zh:deconz:driver: no free slots. Delay sending of APS Request|
|[2024-06-01 21:41:56] debug: |zh:deconz:driver: no free slots. Delay sending of APS Request|
|[2024-06-01 21:41:56] debug: |zh:deconz:driver: no free slots. Delay sending of APS Request|
|[2024-06-01 21:41:56] debug: |zh:deconz:driver: no free slots. Delay sending of APS Request|
1 Like

I have the same problem. The module won’t start after Ha restart.
I just updated my HA OS…

I solved by removing 1 usb device from my usb switch. May be power or usb bus error

Good. I only have the conbee stick plugged in… :frowning: