Conbee ZHA Firmware

After flashing my Conbee stick with firmware 262F0500, i have got Ikea Tradfri control outlet and lamps working. Everything seems ok so far.

I’ve tried to get the Conbee II working with ZHA now for a while - it just won’t connect. I can’t even get it to work with the deconz docker. It is however detected if I plug it into a windows computer and use the deconz windows software. I did that and it automatically updated the firmware.

Do you have any tips? I checked the HA log and the error it reports is that it cannot find the conbee usb stick at the port I specify (even though I know it is the correct port).

The firmware you mention in this thread is no longer available from the conbee website. Is that the only firmware that works?

Everyhting concerning zigbee usb sticks in HA is extremely confusing

First be very careful about firmware
 Conbee and Conbee II are different versions. Conbee II are labeled accordingly.

Be sure about ports

On the side menu

1: Goto “”
2: Goto “System” on the top menu
3: Click the “Hardware” button and it will list the ports.

If the Conbee II is the only USB device it is most likely /dev/ttyUSB0

If it is there

1: Goto “Configuration” on the side menu
2: Goto “Integrations”
3" Select “ZHA” near the bottom

For port put in the full port, in my case /dev/ttyUSB0
Then the protocol to select is deconz

hopefully that works

EDIT: If you are on version 0.93.0 you need to hit the + button in the bottom right corner to bring up the list to select ZHA

I don’t run Hassio, but I did what you described. It doesn’t detect the stick at the port. Maybe I should reinstall everything.

You shouldn’t have to start over it may be a driver issue
 let’s start with what are you running?

For Instance I run

Intel NUC / Ubuntu 18.04.2 / Docker current version /

Mini-ITX-board with Intel CPU / Ubuntu 18.04 / Docker / Hass

After several hours of trying, it suddenly started to work with ZHA. I added all my IKEA bulbs. Seems to work but it’s not 100% functional. Sometimes doesn’t take input from the GUI / automations and also has quite a lot of errors in the log. :frowning:

Still better than the Tradfri gateway though, that broke some weeks ago (constant restarts needed).

At least you have it recognized. the latest firmware is here, look for specifically the Conbee II,;O=D

As noted in a post above the best way I have found to flash it is on my Windows PC if you need to.

Also the developers are here and you can open a case for issues, they are great to work with.

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This thread is named “Conbee ZHA Firmware” - and everyone is talking about DeConz ?!
I know that many are using DeConz, but I want to try without - just using ZHA and ConBee II.
Does anyone have any experience with that?
Are there any threads that specifically talks about ZHA without detouring into DeConz all time?
(Don’t get me wrong - I don’t have anything against DeConz - I just want to separate the two).

I would like to know this as well

would be nice as feature to check and update firmware from your conbee2 stick within home assistant zha interface.


 we need better integration