ConBee ZigBee Stick and HA, will this work together?

Just upgraded the firmware (pushed the new deconz docker image yesterday) and it seems to have worked fine!

Edit: I stand corrected. Seems to be an issue!

Edit2: it can be flashed through docker like this:

docker stop deconz
rmmod ftdi_sio
docker run --rm -ti --privileged=true --device /dev/ttyUSB0:/dev/ttyUSB0 -v /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb joch/deconz GCFFlasher_internal -d 0 -f /usr/share/deCONZ/firmware/deCONZ_Rpi_0x261d0500.bin.GCF

It will output the following (ignore the not found warnings, it’s fine :slight_smile:

/usr/bin/GCFFlasher_internal: 9: /usr/bin/GCFFlasher_internal: rmmod: not found
/usr/bin/GCFFlasher_internal: 10: /usr/bin/GCFFlasher_internal: rmmod: not found
GCFFlasher V2_11 (c) dresden elektronik ingenieurtechnik gmbh 2017/12/10
using firmware file: /usr/share/deCONZ/firmware/deCONZ_Rpi_0x261d0500.bin.GCF
reset via FTDI

flashing 123252 bytes: |=============================|
verify: ....
/usr/bin/GCFFlasher_internal: 14: /usr/bin/GCFFlasher_internal: modprobe: not found
/usr/bin/GCFFlasher_internal: 15: /usr/bin/GCFFlasher_internal: modprobe: not found

Then restart:

modprobe ftdi_sio
docker restart deconz

I’ll add this to the readme for the docker image repo!

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What’s the best way to use ConBee via emulated Hue or deCONZ component?

deconz component of course :slight_smile:

But otherwise it would be the hue component, not the emulated hue.

I’m using this theme and I’m trying to figure out why a specific kind of lights populated from the deconz komponent has “blue” as active color.
I have several lights from deconz, and the 4 lights that are blue have 1 thing in common, the entity is a group from deconz, they consist of several lights.

light.hall_taklampa contains 4 real lights ( light.hall_taklampa_1, _2, _3 and _4)

And I guess I need to set the correct active color for these kind of groups. Anyone who’s had the same issue and knows what code i need to use in my theme config?

and here is from the deconz gui


First off; which version of deconz are you running? I remember people talking about that issue a few months ago



We need debug data to go further with this. Can you enable debug in logger component?

This is an issue in deCONZ at the moment AFAIK (there are two issues I know of on this issue, one is mine - references both issues).

The problem is that the deCONZ REST API is applying x,y colour attributes to (seemingly) all groups of lights, whether that group contains colour lights or not. The consequence is that a group of white-only lights are having x,y 0,0 applied. So groups of lights in deCONZ have a blue icon on the HA frontend (and will show a colour-picker if the group is clicked on).

I think this is an issue that needs fixing on the REST API side.

Is the info from @marthocoo enough or do you need more information? The problem he describes is exactly what I suffer from as well.

As deconz is working on its support for additional components they just released a version which can pair with and expose smoke/fire detectors. I paired a Xiaomi smoke detector which produces the following json using the REST API:

        "31": {
            "config": {
                "on": true,
                "reachable": true
            "ep": 1,
            "etag": "2b585d2c016bfd665ba27a8fdad28670",
            "manufacturername": "LUMI",
            "modelid": "lumi.sensor_smoke",
            "name": "sensor_kitchen_smoke",
            "state": {
                "fire": false,
                "lastupdated": "2018-02-20T11:25:02"
            "type": "ZHAFire",
            "uniqueid": "00:15:8d:00:01:d9:3e:7c-01-0500"

I’m not sure how stable it is already or if they change the type from ZHAFire to something else but hope, that the snippet is a good start for supporting it in the deconz component as well.

Definitely, I will try to get it supported by next release in 3 weeks. Thanks for this!

Is there perhaps a CLIPFire as well?

Ooops; PR up

Just got an Xiaomi Aqara Water sensor:

  "4": {
    "config": {
      "on": true,
      "reachable": true
    "ep": 1,
    "etag": "94521af24c973d190dfaac12fd73f9bd",
    "manufacturername": "LUMI",
    "modelid": "lumi.sensor_wleak.aq1",
    "name": "lumi.sensor_wleak.aq1",
    "state": {
      "lastupdated": "2018-02-20T21:26:09",
      "water": false
    "type": "ZHAWater",
    "uniqueid": "00:15:8d:00:02:11:22:a9-01-0500"

In water:

  "4": {
    "config": {
      "on": true,
      "reachable": true
    "ep": 1,
    "etag": "be518586cf5f0818c36b146dc1fb36d9",
    "manufacturername": "LUMI",
    "modelid": "lumi.sensor_wleak.aq1",
    "name": "lumi.sensor_wleak.aq1",
    "state": {
      "lastupdated": "2018-02-20T21:27:28",
      "water": true
    "type": "ZHAWater",
    "uniqueid": "00:15:8d:00:02:11:22:a9-01-0500"

Made PR @Robban

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Great work! Will merge it tonight. Thanks

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It will be available next release :+1:t2:

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Spent the evening with an upgrade my my HA system and it’s surrounding components. Did, a snapshot of my virtual machine and started the upgrade!

  • Firmware upgrade - Worked!
  • Upgrade to deconz 2.05.05 with a manual Dockerfile based on your repository - Fail!
  • Use the snapshot to get back, thinking I had messed up the deconz database
  • Tried it again
  • spent 45minutes trying to understand, reverting settings, trying different versions etc…

Took a break for 5minutes and looked back on what I’ve done, realised I was trying to start the new deconz container with the same “docker create” command as I previous had used, didn’t realize it was incorrect the whole time and I actually changed it but forgot to update my own documentation :smiley:

Now I’m running the image from your repository (2.05.01) and latest firmware on the stick (at least phoscon and the old webpage doesn’t tell me about an update)

Phoscon has some nice new features and I’m going to try to upgrade deconz to 0.5 to get my water and smoke sensors included as well.

Thanks for the awesome work Joch and all you others contributing to deconz and HA!

@joch - I hadn’t seen that you had made a Docker image… nice work! I’ve gotten one of my own working - We should collaborate! Does yours currently work with Conbee and RaspBee? Having gotten the Conbee working, RaspBee is my next step - shouldn’t be difficult, I have both pieces of hardware.

Thanks! I’m planning to update the deconz docker image to the latest version this weekend.

I’m currently in the process of moving to a new place, so there’s little time left for anything else. :slight_smile:


Great, I don’t have a raspbee so it’s hard for me to verify. Looking forward to seeing what needs to be done to support it!

2.05.05 running with the latest firmware, had about 80% of my devices missing after 20 minutes of uptime and i had to get som sleep, thought that i would need to rescan alot of devices. But waking up this morning and checking HA for unavailable devices showed 0!

I’ll try to add my fire and water sensors today.

oh, if anyone need some guidance:

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Great work with docker! Looking forward to run deconz in a container. @marthocoo did something great that is a real necessity. The option to specify port and websocket port. When running a few dockers it’s important to be able to change ports. And since the component is taking whatever port that deconz reports just doing a portforward in the container isnt enough