While moving from my Pi to a NUC and not wanting to take down the Pi during the process I decided to also move from a HUSBZB-1 Dongle to an Aeotec and a Conbee. The Aeotec was a easy to set up and use, I only have a few Z-Wave devices I won’t get into that here.
So for the Conbee I had reservations on device compatibility I have some Cree Bulbs and Smartthings Motion/Temp Sensors.
First I tried the deConz add on installation. Installing and configuring were not an issue, good documentation out there. I know the Motion sensors were not on the supported list but have to try right? Well the Cree Bulbs connected easily no issue there. The Conbee wouldn’t even find the motion sensors no matter what I tried, they were right zero support.
So I backed out and decided to try the Native ZHA install for the Conbee. I did this from a fresh install of Home Assistant (Thanks to Docker that took about minute). Again the Conbee installed natively without any issue. Now I have just the opposite results… The Motion Sensors (the are Samjin) connected no issue and as far as the Conbee is concerned the Cree Bulbs don’t exist.
For me I stayed with the second try, I have an Osram Hub that accepts the Cree Bulbs no problem but would not see the Sensors but all works as it should after correcting devices in my automations etc…
Problem I am finding is I see no real list of what should and should not work with a Conbee using Native ZHA… am I missing something? If anyone is playing with a Conbee and Native ZHA and has any insight please let me know.