ConbeeII, IKEA controllers, where to put the light handling?

Hi Guys

I just need some clarifications.
I have set up the conbeeII, and I’ve moved most of my IKEA light from the IKEA app to conbee, I only have a few left to handle routing for the blinds which I can’t figure out how to move over yet.

What I’ve done is I have of course registered the lights and the controllers to conbee, and then I’ve paired them directly to each other ‘the IKEA way’. That way the controllers will work weather the HA is running or not (all a question of reduncancy and WAF).

But what about the conbee groups, do they do the same? And will they perform all the ‘IKEA’ functions like changing colors etc. if I do it there? How about if the conbee is turned off, are the group settings saved in the devices, or does it require conbee to be alive?
The question is, will I gain anything by moving the light control from a direct pair to the conbee?