I’m new to this and I don’t know much about programming. So please bear with me.
Is it possible to create a Condition statement that ignores the automation if a specific automation is currently active?
Light Bulb
service: light.turn_on
brightness_pct: '100'
entity_id: light.light_bulb
transition: '3600'
service: light.turn_on
brightness_pct: '80'
color_name: magenta
entity_id: light.light_bulb
transition: '10'
delay: 00:00:10
service: light.turn_on
brightness_pct: '80'
color_name: cyan
entity_id: light.light_bulb
transition: '10'
Imagine that “Transition” is running on loop. Is there a way that “Light_Bulb” will not trigger if Transition is currently active? Can anyone please guide me how to write the Condition statement if possible?