I have set up an event in my calendar that has Christmas light event from 6:30 to 9:30 PM
I have a condition which I believe should stop the trigger from firing unless the condition is met. example the search team in my google calendar Yaml looks for the event Christmas Lights. my condition should say that if Christmas light does not match calendar event don’t fire the action, however when I execute the automation or change state via developer tools the action still fires.
Google.calendar yaml
cal_id: [email protected]
- device_id: jonespandrew_gmail_com
ignore_availability: true
name: [email protected]
track: true
- device_id: Christmas_Lights
name: Christmas ights
track: true
search: "Christmas Lights"
offset: "!!"
Automation yaml
alias: Calendar lights
description: Turn on Christmas lights
- entity_id: calendar.christmas_lights
from: 'off'
platform: state
to: 'on'
- condition: template
value_template: '{{not is_state_attr(''calendar.christmas_lights'', ''message'',
''Christmas Lights'') }}'
- scene: scene.calendar_lights
mode: single
Idealy i want it to check todays date against the event date if the dates and name dont match dont fire.
Also my automation has been running now passed the 9.00 cut off programed into the calendar when it should have turned off.