I have some lights in a room, controled by some sonoff nimi relays, and some RGB bulbs, controlled by one of this sonoff to power it on and off… but this bulbs can change the color too, controled by a broadlink RM3 mini device. Are IR RGB bulbs. All is integrated and working fine in HA.
I added a card with all the lights of this room, to power on and off, and another one with the scrips to change the colors, and it really works, but there was too much colors and options in this scripts card always in sight …
So i changed RGB scripts card to a conditional card… when the RGB bulbs are on, the conditional card turns visible, and is hiden when RGB bulbs are off, and this is much better,
But what I really want is have it like light cards are, I mean, with power an on-off button, and RGB options in a popup window when I press the bulb icon…
So, is possible to make conditional cards show as popup windows, or add IR controlled bulbs to a lights card?