I have a strange problem that surfaced just today, as I finally put my automover to work after the winter. I have automation that notifies me if machine did not returned to base, based on time. To avoid notifications when automover is inactive I have created input_boolean that controls behavior of automation and visibility of automover card in dasboard, based on its state. So when it is off card is hidden and automations deisabled, when it is on, card is displayed in dashboard and automations runs. So far it was working fine for me, at least up to 2022.8, when I took mover out for winter. Today I noticed strange situation with conditional card; even if input_boolean is on, card does not show in the dashboard. Strangely, condition work fine in editor mode, if I change condition to off cards hides in the editor and when it is on card is visible. Alfter closing the editor no card in dashboard… What might be wrong here? Here is the card code:
type: custom:stack-in-card
- type: conditional
- entity: input_boolean.automover_automation
state: 'on'
type: custom:vertical-stack-in-card
type: custom:text-divider-row
- aspect_ratio: 5/1
entity: sensor.automover_status
icon: mdi:robot-mower-outline
layout: icon_name_state
name: Automever Status
show_name: false
show_state: true
size: 100%
state_display: |
var rem = states['timer.automover'].attributes.remaining;
if (entity.state == 'Charging') return 'Automover is charging';
if (entity.state == 'Waiting') return 'Waiting for work window';
if (entity.state == 'Did not return to the base!!!') return 'Did not return to the base!!!)';
if (entity.state == 'Working') return 'Automover is working';
else return 'Unknown';
- color: |
if (entity.state == 'Charging') return 'var(--cyanish)';
if (entity.state == 'Waiting') return 'var(--lightblue3)';
if (entity.state == 'Did not return to the base!!!') return 'var(--alert-text)';
else return 'var(--greenish)';
type: custom:button-card
- type: custom:history-explorer-card
uimode: dark
gridlines: '#444856'
labels: '#A4A7B4'
buttons: '#2C2E3C'
selector: '#2C2E3C'
closeButton: '#0000001f'
Working: '#00ee11'
Charging: '#00bbff'
Waiting: '#002d66'
Automation Disabled: '#444444'
Did not return to the base!!!: '#ff0000'
labelAreaWidth: 85
selector: hide
toolbar: hide
header: hide
- type: timeline
- entity: sensor.automover_status
name: Mover Status
- type: entities
- entity: timer.automover
And the card as it shows in editor when condition is met:
And when it is not:
In the dasboard it does not make differece, no card displayed