Conditional Card not working (always shows Card)

hi so i am trying to use the Conditional Card but it does not seem to work.

this is what i am trying to do:

type: conditional
  - condition: state
    entity: sensor.lg_tv_power_state
    state: 'on'
  type: media-control

however the card always shows no matter how i change the states of the condition for testing. even though in the UI editor it even returns the correct current state.
also when i test the condition it says “did not pass” (likewise for testing it “passes” when i change the condition to “off”)

then i tried with the example from the documentation to break it down to an even simpler version (maybe it was because of the different entities)

type: conditional
  - condition: state
    entity: light.hue_rechts_hinten
    state: 'on'
  type: entity
  entity: light.hue_links_hinten

but that doesn’t work either. the card is always shown no matter the state of the condition :frowning: what am i doing wrong?

Did you close the edit mode?


my god how dumb can i be…

i saved the new card but never closed the edit mode

thank you so much… this is embarrassing

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No, that’s life. :slightly_smiling_face:

Oh god I’ve spent about 12 hours over 2 days to realize the same thing.

You don’t know how much your post impacted my spare time.


heh’ im glad it helped AND that i am apparently not alone in my stupidity <3

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Same here, thx for this post

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Had the same problem here, lol!