Conditional card visibility delay

Hi all,

Is it possible or would it be possible to expand the conditional card to include a delay feature within it’s configuration such as;

view_delay: 300

As a bit of background, in my scenario I have some conditional cards that appear on the main lovelace page when a motion sensor is tripped - it shows the motion sensor (when state changes to ‘motion’ along with when the time the sensor was tripped (another sensor) - these sensors are coming from an aeotec 6in1 multisensor so whilst awesome, they are extremely efficient in resetting their state so ideally I’d like it so when the conditional card shows up that even if the value resets and the condition is no longer met that the card stays present in the GUI for say, 5 minutes.

I’ve found this article which tells you how to set a conditional card to only appear if the time is in the evening - which is useful but not identical to my requirement. Worst case I can probably create a time sensor which gets reset via automation when a motion sensor flags “motion”, the value of the sensor could be a timestamp from “now”…after which the conditional card could have 2 conditions, one for the motion state and another to check that the state_not is false when the time between “now” and the timestamp in the sensor is less than 5 minutes.


I’d like a conditional card to stay on the screen for a period longer than what the state change dictates, rather than it flash up and be gone before I notice it.

Any advice would be appreciated :slight_smile:


@Galazar were you able to figure out a good solution for this?

Possible by changing opacity, but the transparent card still occupies a space.

type: vertical-stack
  - type: entities
      - input_boolean.test_boolean
  - type: entities
      - sun.sun
      style: |
        ha-card {
          {% if is_state("input_boolean.test_boolean","on") %}
            opacity: 1;
          {% else %}
            opacity: 0;
          {% endif %}
          transition: opacity 5s;
          background-color: red;

Guess the only way around and I did it myself is, with a conditional card and a template sensor which works in my case every 10 seconds so 6 in total and this is rotating through my temperature graphs in the header. What I would be interested in is, if it is possible to fade out the conditional card slowly? It looks very bumpy :smiley: