Conditional cards - different content in a row

Hey guys
I need a good advise how to create some kind of message card.
For example: currently I am using popup windows from browser mod to notify when the washing machine is ready. But with every (mowstly automatic) refresh of my dashboard these notifications disappear and this way I miss quite a lot of them.
So now I thought I could use a card-space that is currently showing time and date to display a certain content when otherwise a notification would have been sent. This alone would easily be possible with a conditional card.
But now comes the tricky part: there are three different topics that I would get notifications about and when by coincidence two are due at the time (or maybe all three of them) only one should be displayed for the moment, as it would otherwise spoil my layout. So is it possible to set up a conditional card (or something that does the job) to display one notification at a time and show time and date as default when nothing else would apply?

What about putting all of needed conditional cards in the same slot (including time) and have time dependent AND specific condition dependency to display these? I mean something like having numeric condition (0, 1, 2, 3…) to display these cards, 0 being the time card, the other being notifications. Then you set the time_pattern triggered automation to increase the counter and display the corresponding card. Obviosuly automation would need to be a bit more complex to skip cards for inactive notifications and reverse back to 0 once maximum is reached. This would cycle information in designated slot throu time and all active notifications.

I had some thoughts in the same direction. Meanwhile I tend towards using the state switch card, which should do the job. The problem is: I have to combine all different states, booleans and so on into one entity, which is then the trigger for the state switch card. In detail: I have created an input boolean with all the different topics I want to get an alarm from.

    name: Notification
      - 'GS'
      - 'WM'
      - 'MT'

So the boolean get’s set to one of the three options when triggered by an automation. But how to cover parallel events? In this case a second event would overwrite the first one. Isn’t there a way to have all different statuses checked in a predefined sequence? This sequence would also reflect my priority of the different topics.

Depending on what you want to show in the individual notification cards; you could make it ‘double conditiona’ and if any notification is to be shown display the horizontal/vertical stack card and then withion stank card show conditionally these notification cards that are active. That way you can take one slot on dashboard and display, lets say, full width notification for one alert or 2 hakf width cards for 2 alers and so on… if it makes sense to squize them side by side…

I think the state switch card is the right thing for me.
The state switch card uses an entity to decide which card to display. The problem now is to put different input booleans into one.
I created an input select with three different options to display one of the three cards or to display time and date as default. This input select is called “Notification”.
But how to control this input select now? One of the devices I want to get notified about is my washing machine, the other one is my dishwasher. Every device set’s an individual input select reflecting the actual state. In the example of the washing machine it’s ‘off’, ‘washing’ and ‘finished’. So when the washing machine is finished it set’s the input select “washing machine” to ‘finished’. I could add another action to this sequence to also set the “notification” to ‘washing machine’, indicating that the washing machine card should be displayed. But what if the other device is finished at the same time? How do I prevent the first notification from being overwritten? And how do I cancel the first device and get the input select “notification” to toggle to the next option, if there is another one active?
I think I need a function that checks which of secondary input select entities has a certain state and set’s the input select “notification” accordingly. And it arranges new status changes of the devices in a defined hierarchy. So when the washing machine is finished and the notification card shows “washing machine” but the dishwasher finishes shortly after it would need to check that the dishwasher is in the hierachy above the washing machine and would set the input select “notification” to dishwasher instead. And after the dishwasher notification got canceled it then should switch back to the washing machine option, so that the washing machine card can be displayed again.
Sounds pretty complex but maybe someone has an idea…

Ok I found a solution.
Was pretty easy, even for me.
So I think thas thread can be closed.
Thanks for your help anyway.