Conditional Sensor trigger

I am trying to configure my alarmo based alarm system to have a night mode that I could use when the familiy is home. But to make this usable I need a custom sensor that works such that ff sensor “binary_sensor.upstairs_hallway” is triggered first then I want it to ignore “binary_sensor.hallway” for say 15 minutes. This way if someone uses the toilet in the middle of the night, the hallway sensor is not triggered.

Anyone set up such a logic?

Usually you would just put the perimeter sensors (e.g. door and window contact sensors) in the night mode group. So you can walk around the house but not enter/exit it. Also some unused rooms. e.g. I have the perimeter of my house plus all downstairs movement sensors as I do not go downstairs at night. However my alarm is disarmed when I get out of bed.

If you do not have sufficient sensors to cover the perimeter of your house or to automate based on bed occupancy you could maybe use a triggered binary sensor:

Try this (untested)

# configuration.yaml
  - trigger:
      - platform: state
          - binary_sensor.upstairs_hallway
          - binary_sensor.hallway
          - unknown
          - unavailable
      - name: Hallway Night Movement
        device_class: motion
        state: >
          {% if now() - states.binary_sensor.upstairs_hallway.last_changed < timedelta(minutes=15) or is_state('binary_sensor.hallway','off') %}
            {{ false }}
          {% else %}
            {{ states('binary_sensor.hallway')|bool }}
          {% endif %}

Thank you! I will give this a whirl.

I have also been thinking about bed occupancy sensors. There are a few options out there so maybe I should re-visit that topic. It is a good idea :slight_smile: