Conditions with "for time" should show how much time has elapsed

When editing an automation, one can click on the “Test” option and a message “Condition passes” “Condition did not pass” is shown. In most cases it is easy to comprehend why the condition has passed or failed, for example the state might be “off” when the condition calls for it to be “on”.

However, what is less obvious is when a condition has a “for (duration…).” component. It is impossible to ascertain from the message text whether the condition is false, or whether it is true, but insufficient time has passed.

In order to make creating useful automations easier, instead of simply showing “Condition did not pass”, the text could be “Condition did not pass: 00:01:21 of 00:02:00 elapsed”

Not only would this make it explicit that the condition would have succeeded, had sufficient time passed, but it can be a useful guide to setting the correct duration.

Something similar should be added in Traces, currently it just shows a timestamp, with no indication as to what that value represents. Showing X time of Y elapsed would be far more informative IMO:

Closing as a duplicate of the FR you linked to.