I want unlock a door automatically, but only within the 1st 5 minutes of my Bayesian sensor turning on.
I already have a series of automations that mark me as just arrived, home, just left and away. I use this right now, and it works fine for my goals. But as I’ve gotten more involved, I realize I dont really need these extra states, and they are not really being used other than this one thing.
Is there an option for
to: on
for less than x minutes?
I guess I can always do a value template Boolean based on the state time of my other Boolean sensor, just wondering what other ways people might go about this.
I use timers for this. I have an “entrance” timer that’s true for the first few minutes after someone arrives home. Handy to trigger multiple events from that single timer.
I suppose if that were an issue for you, you could test for “timer is not idle” as a condition in your automation. Restarting is actually helpful for the way I’m using it.
But, yes - calling timer.start should start the timer over based on its duration.
I have an automation that checks whether my garage door was opened or closed within the last 10 min (implying I opened and closed it when I drove my car out) to decide whether it should auto-open when I return. You can see how I checked in the condition. You could use a similar template
- alias: Should Auto Open Detect
- platform: state
entity_id: device_tracker.my_iphone
to: 'not_home'
- condition: template
value_template: "{{ (as_timestamp(now())-as_timestamp(states.cover.left_garage_door.last_changed)) < 600 }}"
- service: input_boolean.turn_on
entity_id: input_boolean.left_garage_auto_open
- alias: Do something in 5 minutes after you get home
platform: state
entity_id: device_tracker.you
to: home
minutes: 5
service: script.turn_on
entity_id: script.do_something