Config Check

Hi, I’m currently making a check on the config before I make and upgrade in the version. Currently, I’m using Home Assistant Core 0.103.2 and looking at updating it to 0.106.5.

However, when I made a check, the config check gave me a result of,

Successful config (partial)

May I know what does that mean?

Will my google assistant fail to work if I update it? Currently, I’m exposing some of the switches and equipment to google assistant, they are directly connect to HASSIO and not google home. For example xiaomi aqara switches. I did that in order fo my switches to be functional on google assistant app. So if this update will make it dysfunctional, then any advice to how I can fix this so I could update my core?

The Google Assistant integration changed configuration recently. Check the docs. The integration works fine still.

Thanks can I check where can I check the docs at?

hint :
api_key: does not work anymore
replace with service_account:

Thanks for the link! I went to take a look but a bit lost. I followed the old method of using api. I’m not using the cloud version too. Sorry I’m not very good with the terms used in the configuration just followed through the steps to reach where I am.

How do I create a service account?

  • In the GCP Console, go to the Create Service account key page.
  • From the Service account list, select New service account.
  • In the Service account name field, enter a name.
  • In the Service account ID field, enter an ID.
  • From the Role list, select Service Accounts > Service Account Token Creator.
  • For the Key type, select the JSON option.
  • Click Create. A JSON file that contains your key downloads to your computer.
  • Use the information in this file or the file directly to add to the service_account key in the configuration.

thank you! I will try it out when i’m more avialable and update again if i need more help(: