Config Error - Integration 'discovery' not found

Hi can anyone help me fix this error? Im quite new to all this… and Im not sure where to start looking.

Thanks in advance

Logger: homeassistant.components.websocket_api.http.connection
Source: components/hassio/
Integration: Home Assistant WebSocket API (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 12:05:04 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 12:05:04

[546914563776] The system cannot restart because the configuration is not valid: Integration error: discovery - Integration ‘discovery’ not found.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/websocket_api/”, line 226, in handle_call_service
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/”, line 1974, in async_call
response_data = await coro
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/”, line 2011, in _execute_service
return await target(service_call)
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/hassio/”, line 579, in async_handle_core_service
raise HomeAssistantError(
homeassistant.exceptions.HomeAssistantError: The system cannot restart because the configuration is not valid: Integration error: discovery - Integration ‘discovery’ not found.

It is in the breaking changes for 2023.8

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Thankyou… understood!
I feel very stupid now but where do I look to manually remove?


Edit configuration.yaml, remove


(File-editor add-on )


That worked! Thank you so much for your help!!!