Config Errors with Hass

Hi Please help I am getting these errors

yeah I see those as well. doesn’t seem to stop anything from working.

But I have

platform: mqtt
name: “Sonoff Switch 01”
command_topic: “cmnd/sonoff-tv/power”
state_topic: “stat/sonoff-tv/POWER1”
qos: 1
payload_on: “ON”
payload_off: “OFF”
retain: true

in my Config and do not see this in the interface? is it not related?

perhaps… do you have a MQTT broker configured/installed?

I have the MQTT installed

did you configure the broker in config yaml as well as in the addon settings? (you didn’t show your config for the broker - only the switches)

I did

Ok and you entered the username and password in the options for the broker in the addon I assume?

Given you are also having issues in installing addons perhaps there is something else going on with your setup as well.

maybe a missing - before platform: mqtt in line 84?, or you’re spacing is off 2 spaces…

Nope. the add ons problem is on a different instance running ubuntu 18.04.
This is on a ubuntu 16 instance.

The synax is the same here as in the ubuntu18 instance, but Here the switch does not show

@Mariusthvdb is right - the spacing is all wrong.

How so, point me in the right direction,what needs to change

Sorry… I think the spacing is ok but you need the platform line to be like this:

  - platform: mqtt