I’m having a problem with labels in a config flow of a custom component I’m preparing. I looked at all relevant threads about strings.json, en.json, browser cache issues, etc. but I didn’t solve.
This is the config dialog box: the problem is with the 3rd field, which has a default value of 2, the field name is slave_id
. The label/comment for that field does not appear. It’s not the browser cache, and if I update some labels in en.json the updates are actually being picked up. It’s like the “slave_id” field is not found in some way. The problem is only the label/comment, if I submit the values the component works fine.
This is the content of en.json under the translations subdir:
"config": {
"title": "ABB Power-One PVI SunSpec",
"step": {
"user": {
"title": "Inverter Connection Configuration",
"data": {
"name": "Assign name to the inverter (used as sensors' prefix)",
"host": "IP address of the inverter",
"port": "TCP port of the inverter",
"slave_id": "Modbus Slave ID of the inverter",
"scan_interval": "Polling period for the modbus registers (seconds)"
"error": {
"already_configured": "Device is already configured"
"abort": {
"already_configured": "Device is already configured"
This is the content of config_flow.py
import ipaddress
import re
import voluptuous as vol
from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant, callback
from homeassistant import config_entries
from homeassistant.const import CONF_NAME, CONF_HOST, CONF_PORT, CONF_SCAN_INTERVAL
from .const import (
DATA_SCHEMA = vol.Schema(
vol.Required(CONF_NAME, default=DEFAULT_NAME): str,
vol.Required(CONF_HOST): str,
vol.Required(CONF_PORT, default=DEFAULT_PORT): int,
vol.Required(CONF_SLAVE_ID, default=DEFAULT_SLAVE_ID): int,
def host_valid(host):
"""Return True if hostname or IP address is valid."""
if ipaddress.ip_address(host).version == (4 or 6):
return True
except ValueError:
disallowed = re.compile(r"[^a-zA-Z\d\-]")
return all(x and not disallowed.search(x) for x in host.split("."))
def abb_powerone_pvi_sunspec_entries(hass: HomeAssistant):
"""Return the hosts already configured."""
return set(
entry.data[CONF_HOST] for entry in hass.config_entries.async_entries(DOMAIN)
class ABBPowerOnePVISunSpecConfigFlow(config_entries.ConfigFlow, domain=DOMAIN):
"""ABB Power-One PVI SunSpec configflow"""
def _host_in_configuration_exists(self, host) -> bool:
"""Return True if host exists in configuration."""
if host in abb_powerone_pvi_sunspec_entries(self.hass):
return True
return False
async def async_step_user(self, user_input=None):
"""Handle the initial step."""
errors = {}
if user_input is not None:
host = user_input[CONF_HOST]
if self._host_in_configuration_exists(host):
errors[CONF_HOST] = "already_configured"
elif not host_valid(user_input[CONF_HOST]):
errors[CONF_HOST] = "invalid host IP"
await self.async_set_unique_id(user_input[CONF_HOST])
return self.async_create_entry(
title=user_input[CONF_NAME], data=user_input
return self.async_show_form(
step_id="user", data_schema=DATA_SCHEMA, errors=errors
Any help would be greatly appreciated, I want to release the component, but I have to fix this last issue first.
Thank you.