Config of Tasmota cover with additional window contact


at the moment I have dumb switches for my cover motors. I want to upgrade them with a Tasmota module (namely the nous L12T) and also use the preinstalled window contact in my windows. Therefor I opened the device and found a free GPIO, soldered a wire to it and configured it in Tasmota as switch 3 and changed the name text to “Fensterkontakt”.
The mqtt is the following: tele/Rollo/SENSOR = {"Time":"2023-11-09T19:39:38","Switch1":"OFF","Switch2":"OFF","Fensterkontakt":"ON","Shutter1":{"Position":100,"Direction":0,"Target":100,"Tilt":0}}
To make it show up in HA I had to setoption114, but now the first two don’t work for controlling the shutter anymore. Is there a good way to have switch3 displayed in HA (without manually configuring an mqtt-sensor) and still have direct controll with the physical switches on the wall?
