Just updgrade the HA instance to 0.39.1 and follow the instructions to touch a new groups.yaml and zwave_device_config.yaml files, i’ve also changed the configuration as instructions to include the files, restarted HA, open the Configuration from side menu… but the page is not loading, the loading spinner is the only thing i can see… what’s wrong? logfile says nothing about errors related to this new function…
I’ve already have an groups.yaml, i’ve saved it with another name before touch the new one.
Well, first I’ve chowned the two files from root to homeassistant:homeassistant, thinking that HA should write into them. After this and reboot, nothing changed. But for some reasons, after another restart, the config panel loads, and the Groups section says that there where no entities. So I’ve resumed my old groups.yaml file and then the Groups section was filled with the infos contained in the file.
Sound strange that the editor can’t add a group, but only manage existings.
I got the same behavior as blackgear. Is this how it should work? I taught that added a empty groups.yaml would let me create and save groups? If added groups manually to groups.yaml only let me see them in configurator I have tried too organised in the manually created group but when click save it just spins.
exactly same problem.
i even lost all the groups I have as when trying to save a reorganization on the config panel, the spinning wheel got spinning and the groups.yaml got empty.
i notice it was still running with my groups and names, with the groups.yaml already empty, and then after the needed reboot, lost every group.
I’m now keeping a backup of groups.yaml , just in case
It looks like there’s a bug in the group config piece, so I’ve raised an issue about it (I’m seeing the same problem myself). If you’re able to add relevant supporting information I’m sure it’ll help the devs identify the underlying cause.