Config parameter (z-wave menu option) not working any more

Hi, I’m on version 0.67 and I run Home Assistant from Docker on a Synology with an aeotec zwave USB stick. Now , don’t know from what version exactly, the option ‘Config parameter’ in the zwave menu is not working any more. Moreover my zwave network stops working without an apparent reason and can’t find anything specific on OZW log. Any idea what’s my issue about?? :cold_sweat:

Noone with this issue??
It does not let you setup a new zwave component:

Z-wave menu --> select a node --> ‘Node config options’ --> ‘Config parameter’–> NOT WORKING!! It doesn’t show the different parameters of the node to be able to set up the node!!

I’ve been told that 0.67.1 solves this!:grinning:

I am having the same issue but I am on 0.71.0

Nothing shows under any node in Node config options

I already tried deleting all zwave related files in config section but no luck
