I am getting the following message after updating to 0.88.2.
Your configuration contains extra keys that the platform does not support.
Please remove [icon].
The only icon: I have in my config.yaml is for my iframe panel (which is still showing support on the components page). Even still, I removed the icon: from the iframe panel component and the warning remains. Is there something else I am missing? I didn’t see anything in the breaking changes?
Is that the error message reported in the Notification panel?
There’s a more detailed one shown in the log. Go to Home Assistant’s About page (dev-info) and scroll to the bottom of the page where it displays more detailed warning messages.
For example, I purposely added an invalid key, called zilch to an input_select then restarted Home Assistant. The message in the Notification panel is very brief whereas the one in the About page shows this:
Invalid config for [input_select]: [zilch] is an invalid option for [input_select]. Check: input_select->input_select->items->zilch. (See /config/configuration
Yep, thats the full warning in the Notfication panel and the dev-info. The only additional info from dev-info, is that the warning is coming from helpers/config_validation.py . It actually doesn’t tell me if its an error in the config.yaml or somewhere else, I am just assuming since it doesn’t give a file path
We have tightened config validation, so expect a couple of new warnings. Platform configuration will no longer allow to contain keys that are not supported. This should help with finding typos in your current and future YAML configs. This will currently fallback to a warning and will become a full error in the future.
You can try using the grep command to search all files for you. At the Linux command prompt, cd to the config directory and run this command:
Sorry, I guess I meant a more specific breaking change. I read that as “unsupported things are unsupported”. Doesn’t really give me anything to go on. Normally the warnings come with a specific line in the respective yaml file. I guess I can just start commenting things out and see what hits