Configurable auto-restart of components that failed setup

HA will pick up cameras from ZoneMinder automaticaly but if ZM is unavailable when HA starts up, it will complain it that it couldn’t set up the component and it will then stay unavailable until HA is restarted.

Ideally HA generally or at least individual components can be configured to retry set-up if it failed so that the following would work:

a) ZM is down
b) HA is restarted
c) HA fails to configure the ZM component
d) ZM comes up
e) HA detects that ZM is up (or simply tries again on a timer with exponential backoff) and configures the component(s)

Hey mate, just letting you know that I am approaching the same problem slightly differently

I have been asking if there is a way to force a device/component to remain in config if it was unavailable during reboot. Your way might be the way forward.

I have been considering automating a HASS reboot if any missing devices come back online, but that will be a last resort.

I will watch this space - Cheers

The ZoneMinder example described is resolved via Retry zoneminder connection setup by nabbi · Pull Request #107519 · home-assistant/core · GitHub