I can’t seem to get the configurator add-on to start. Also, the SSH starts, but I try to log on via putty, I get connection refused error.
I’m trying to edit the configuration.yaml file to add temp sensors and weatherunderground data to my HASSIO Home page. I can’t get into it via SSH or the configurator imbeded in HASSSIO
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What does the add-on log say?
David; I am so sorry, work has been hectic. What I wound-up doing was reinstall HASSIO onto my Pi 3b. I am able to get to the config file and added some temp sensors without issue. The autodetect has picked up my televisions.
Currently having issues. Would like to fix them one at a time.
I still cannot get into my Pi via SSH. I know it sees the Pi. I get the screen that says “login as:” What am I using for the 1st time? admin, pi or the user name and password from when I 1st logged in to HASSIO? I tried that and it did not work.
I need help configuring a relay switch using ardiuno sketch running on Wemos D-1 mini esp8266 and mqtt in the configuration.yaml file.
I would like some help locking it down by making sure the Pi is secure: No-more default user name password, etc
Thank you so much for your time.
You installed the ssh addon? What username did you configure in the addon - that will be what you use in ssh. It is most probably root.
See here addons/ssh/README.md at master · home-assistant/addons · GitHub
Not too sure. I use MQTT discovery for my Sonoffs. You don’t need any config in the yaml file - you just add the mosquito add-on and then add the mqtt integration that pops up when you have the add-on started. Your devices need to be set for discovery though. Someone else might be able to help with that.
Not sure what you mean by that - are you sure you installed hass.io? The new auth system should lead you through creating a username and password.
I use the Caddy addon to secure my home assistant. I have a step-by-step for this here
Yes, I installed the SSH addon. this is the script that showed up. I added a password, did not see where to add user name.
“authorized_keys”: [],
“password”: “MyPasswordHere”
as I said the username is root. It’s in the doc I linked!
Here’s the config portion for the Light: On the hassio desktop the switch turns on and then goes right back off by itself:
- platform: mqtt
name: “Christmas Tree”
state_topic: “Tree/status”
command_topic: “Tree/switch”
qos: 0
payload_on: “0”
payload_off: “1”
optimistic: false
Should the command_topic: = “Tree”/switch ?
I have no real idea… However are you sure the payload on is 0 and off is 1? They would appear to be reversed to me. Also maybe try mqttfx program to see what is going on. I assume they are not running tasmota?
lol; Yes. I have them reversed 0(zero) for ON and 1(one) for OFF.
Not heard of tasmota. Not running tasmota. Arduino.ide
OK. It’s been a few days. I’ve been able to get into my config.yaml file and connect my sensors and security cam. So I think my issues at the moment are just accessing the Pi from here. I did not access it the normal way I’m used to. Basically before I had downloaded NOOBS or Rasbian stretch. Logging on and configuring the Pi 1st and then installing Home Assistant, Mosquitto MQTT. Now, the processes has reversed. Do I need to connect a keyboard, mouse and TV back up to the Pi to access it?
Damn. Never Mind. I found a video from BRUH. Back to learning. I do appreciate you help.
Let me just re-learn Raspberry. LINUX, or some variant?
David: I got everything all sorted out. I can get to the Pi via SSH, Edit the config yaml, and publish MQTT. All my goals have been met.
I remember either the light or switch had a slider instead of lightening bolts. Can you clue me in on that?
As it happens I can… just include this at the top or under homeassistant: section…
assumed_state: false
I don’t manually define any MQTT devices as they are all picked up by discovery. The code I posted just turns the lightning bolts into slider switches.