Configuration Check Add-On False Positive?

I am running the latest version of HassOS 3.10, Supervisor 200, and Home Assistant Core 0.105.2 on a Raspberry pi. Everything is working fine, but when I performed a configuration check before upgrading, I received the following error:

Failed config
    - not a directory @ data['whitelist_external_dirs'][0]
    - customize: [source /tmp/config/configuration.yaml:11]
        device_tracker.someones_iphone_2: [source /tmp/config/customize.yaml:91]
          entity_picture: /local/persons/someones_avatar_v1.png
        device_tracker.libbys_iphone: [source /tmp/config/customize.yaml:93]

and it continued to list all of the other entities defined in my customize.yaml file.

My configuration.yaml has these entries (among others):

  customize: !include customize.yaml
    - '/share'

The whitelisting is for my blink driveway camera to write snapshots to a folder under share.

As far as I can tell, it’s properly configured, but does anyone see anything I am missing or doing incorrectly, or is this just a false positive? Thanks so much for any help with this.

looks like the location should be /tmp/share

Petro, I tried that to see if it needed it just for the Check Configuration add-on to run, but I still get the same error. That whitelist_external_dirs entry is working as ‘/share’ because my blink camera can write to the share folder (/share/blink/Driveway/snapshot.jpg), If I remove the white_list_dirs entry from my configuration.yaml, blink can’t write the snapshot to that folder. I think this actually is a false positive error from the config check. I added an issue on Github.

I want to thank you for responding, and also to give you a big thanks for the countless solutions I’ve found to issues or examples I’ve used that you have posted on the forum. I try hard to search first for a solution before posting, and your responses come up time and time again. So, BIG THANKS from me for all your contributions to the community!

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