Thanks @CircuitSetup for this great product and help with questions in this forum. I recently received the board and I am in the process of setting it up. I read the documentation and have a few additional question.
Do I need to change anything in the config YAML file to use the 12V (instead of 9V) AC transformer? I only see option to do it later in EMONESP - want to double confirm
I purchased a few 30A , 50A and two 100A 1V CT Clamp. I could see the 30A and 50A options in the substitution section , but I don’t see any option for 100AM 1V - is it supported by this board?
Since I have different type of CT Clamp , do I need to add new lines in the YAML file for each one and change CT1 and CT2 configuration?
I want to make sure I install the CT clamp in the correct orientation - the arrow should point to the opposite side of the electric panel? basically the red cable and arrow toward the outlet that power my dryer (for example)?
Sorry I didn’t see this sooner. I think I answered some of your questions previously, but I’ll answer them here too in case others have the same questions.
Yes, gain_voltage (or voltage_cal) in the config needs to be changed. I would recommend calibrating the meter according to the procedure here
VOLTAGE_GAIN is what the value currently is for gain_voltage in your config, which should be 7305.
Either way, you should end up with a value close to 9500
For all CTs that output a voltage, you need to cut the corresponding jumper on the back of the board to disable the on-board burden resistor. The 100A will work, it just needs to be calibrated. The value should be around 30,800
Yes, current_cal just substitutes gain_ct, so you can either change to a different substitution for each type of CT or fill in gain_ct for each phase directly.
The direction of the CT depends if the voltage you’re measuring is on the same phase as the circuit’s current you’re measuring. If you get a negative value, flip the CT around (unless you’re seeing outgoing power from a solar inverter). For 2 pole circuits, you can have 1 CT with both wires going through it in opposite directions, or 2 CTs on each wire with the CT arrow pointing in opposite directions.