Configuration contains extra keys that the platform does not support

I have got this message (since hassio 0.88.1) when I start or reboot hassio:


Line 121 in configuration.yaml is looking like this:


I really don’t understand what the non supported code would be

Keep an eye on this thread, seems to be the same issue.

Likely the name key of your buienradar sensor.

Will probably be fixed in the next release as a change was made a few days ago:

I’m getting the same “Configuration contains extra keys that the platform does not support …” for the following line, can any one suggest what need to be change ?

- platform: filesize
  name: "HA Log Size"
    - /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/home-assistant.log

name: is no longer an option in the docs.

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Thank you @silvrr :slight_smile: