Configuration->Devices->Entities Card slider switch, what is it for?

Hello there,

I am using Hassbian version 0.104.2 and had a question about something I saw.

If I click on the configuration panel and then ‘Devices’ which lists all my discovered devices, and then click on a specific device, I bring up a ‘Device Info’ dialog. In there, it may list multiple entities associated with my device, which in my case is an Aqara sensor discovered using zigbee2mqtt.

At the top of the entities card, there is a slider switch. For the life of me I cannot tell what that switch is for. Anyone have any idea? I searched everywhere I could think of to find that.

Thanks very much.

In 0.103.5 it says “Show disabled entities”.

In my separate test instance of 0.104.3, it is also blank.

Frontend bug? I was unable to find any existing issue in Github.

Looks like it’s been fixed. Here is the issue:

Thanks very much for the fast response. Mystery solved :slight_smile:

Ill watch for the update.

Thanks again