I have a problem with configuration of entities related to energy. The goal is to feed the energy dashboards in my HA. I will describe the simplified device configuration below.
There are following meters installed in my system:
3 energy meters (each phase) producing impulses each 1mkWh,
a gas meter producing impulses each 0.1m3 (gas flown),
a water meter producing impulses each 1L (water flown).
Those meters are connected to arduino based controller that counts the impulses and expose the sum of each via webservice. Each time the webservice is called to read the impulses, it clears the sum so that we get only impluses generated from the last reading.
Another part of my system calls the arduino webservice each 15min. It is a 12-years old, handmade similar to home-assistant system based on Raspberry PI (gen.1).
Raspberry PI serves the current values on internal website.
I use “scrape” addon in the Home Assistant to create entities from above webpage. I scrape it every 15min so I should always get all impulses.
I have used “scrape” because I did not want to do any changes to raspberry PI component. At this moment this part of the system is “depricated” and whole functionality, will be replaced by Home Assistant.
How to configure these entities in enegry dashboard properly? I am new to HA. Please guide me to create appropriate helper entities.
Best regards,