Configuration error Min/Max

I want to calculate the minimum of different sensors I created in the configuration.yaml. I would like to use the min/max integration of HA. I added this to my configuration

  - sensor:
      - platform: min_max
          - sensor.temperature_forecast_hour_next_1
          - sensor.temperature_forecast_hour_next_2
          - sensor.temperature_forecast_hour_next_3

and I get the following error

“Invalid config for ‘template’ at configuration.yaml, line 176: ‘platform’ is an invalid option for ‘template’, check: sensor->0->platform Invalid config for ‘template’ at configuration.yaml, line 176: required key ‘state’ not provided Invalid config for ‘template’ at configuration.yaml, line 177: ‘entity_ids’ is an invalid option for ‘template’, check: sensor->0->entity_ids”

I created the temperature sensors in this way

  - trigger:
      - platform: time_pattern
        hours: /1
      - service: weather.get_forecasts
            - weather.forecast_home
            type: hourly
        response_variable: stundenvorhersage
      - name: Temperatur-Vorhersage Stunde plus 1
        unique_id: temperature_forecast_hour_next_1
        state: "{{ stundenvorhersage['weather.forecast_home'].forecast[1].temperature }}"

Any sensor that uses platform should not be set up under the top-level key template, they should be under sensor.

If you are new to HA and/or unfamiliar with YAML you may be better served by creating the sensor through the Helpers menu. In Helpers the Min/Max sensor was renamed “Combine the state of several sensors”.

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