Hi, I’m new to HA since a week and have got everything up and running on an PI 4, connected to my Telldus Live account as well as BMW Connected. Would like to make some changes in the Configuration.yaml and tried both with the File editor and Samba connection but can’t find the Configuration file content. The only config content I find is as per attached picture. What am I missing?
Nothing. Correct file.
Thanks for answer. Where do I then find references to the integrations? Especially I would like to change the update frequency for Telldus Live. According to the help section it should be in a file;’ .storage/core.config_entries. ’ Where do I find this file or can I just create a new file with that name?
Looks like that integration yet has no visual configuration interface, so you need to add entries to configuration.yaml
Don‘t mess with files in .storage, they are not to be altered directly.
It is only possible to configure the
when setting up the device. If the polling interval needs to be changed after the device is configured it must be changed manually by changing"scan_interval": 60,
for the device in the file.storage/core.config_entries
Okay, haven‘t read this. This is really f*cked up.
The .storage-Directory is next to the configuration.yaml, but hidden so I don’t know if you can access it from inside HA.
Or remove the integration and add it back again. Can be playing with fire and break the json if you edit directly…
Keep in mind that if you scan too often then Telldus could see it as a problem and ban your IP.
If it’s lights and switches then I see no reason to poll more often than once a minute.
Thanks for all answers. I’ts the motion and door sensors I need a faster update, maybe it’s better to leave them out from HA as they are tightly connected to the automotation in Telldus. It’s 4 door sensors and 3 motion sensors, all Zwave. Maybe in the longer run an implementation directly into HA. My main objective to start with is to be able to create a User Interface more freely than Telldus allows and it also interesting with all extra Integrations.
How can I get access to this file?
But didn’t even see it…
HA shut down, SD card in a notebook and in Explorer displayed the hidden files/folders), but there is no corresponding folder. Or is it not displayed under Windows?
This thread was started three years ago - the information in it may be out of date. If possible, start a new thread, with a link to this one to provide context if necessary.