Configuration file not used on synology

Hi Guys,

I’m new to home assistant. I’m trying to find an alternative for Domoticz as this is not very stable.
I using synology DSM for the install.

So far so good, I managed to get HA running and I’m able to log in to the frontend, but somehow my config isn’t loaded.
In the config guide for synology it says that after the first run, a config folder is created, This is not the case.
I can see a configuration.yaml file, but is is in my /volume1/homeassistant/ folder. After editing this config file, and restarting HA, no changes are made. I think it is using a different config file, but now sure where it is located,

Already tried creating a config folder and using that with the new config, no results.

Any ideas?



OK, issue solved :slight_smile:

Seemed that hass was running 3 times on my system, Not sure what was causing this. I kept making changes in te config file, but i never saw them in the GUI. Seems i was always always using an old process that kept running in the background with the old settings.