Configuration for stepper and Dimmer

Hi everybody, I need your help.
I’m trying to write a configuration for my rotary litophane lamp with ESP Home. The configuration is
Wemos D1 Mini with:

  • Stepper ULN2003 connected by pin D0, D5, D6, D7
  • Led dimmed by transistor on D1
  • Button connected on Pin D3

What I’m trying to do is:

  • 1 press: de/activate lamp
  • long press: dimming
  • double press: start/stop stepper with infinite rotation.

Anybody can help me to do this?

Thank you everybody

Wheres your config? What do you have so far? Have you looked at the documentation?

In addition to post above, also simple scheme of your wiring.

Esphome binary sensor has triggers for different type of presses and timings:

You following me on here? Dont make me have to tell on you.

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