I was wondering if anyone could help me out with an issue getting the configuration_glob to work. I followed the directions on the cookbook, and looked at several other examples yet I cannot figure out for the life of me where I am going wrong.
I believe that I called the configuration_glob.yaml properly:
customize: !include customize.yaml
customize_glob: !include customize_glob.yaml
My configuration_glob.yaml file looks like:
icon: mdi:robot
homebridge_hidden: true
icon: mdi:cellphone-link
homebridge_hidden: true
icon: mdi:robot
homebridge_hidden: true
icon: mdi:robot
homebridge_hidden: true
The error I get on HA start is:
2017-12-03 09:10:11 ERROR (SyncWorker_0) [homeassistant.util.yaml] expected ‘’, but found ‘’
in “/config/customize_glob.yaml”, line 2, column 3
2017-12-03 09:10:11 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.bootstrap] Error loading /config/configuration.yaml: expected ‘’, but found ‘’
in “/config/customize_glob.yaml”, line 2, column 3
…and it just hangs there until I comment out configuration_glob.yaml and restart.
I’ve also tried using ’ ’ instead of " ", as I’ve seen some others do with no luck. At this point I am unable to see what I am doing different that any of the examples provided, assuming they work as alleged.