I am totally new to HAAS.IO and Z-Wave so looking for some guidance.
I am using the latest version of HAAS.IO (Version 189) on a Raspberry Pi 3.
I have the following hardware:
Raspberry Pi 3
USB Z-Wave ZW090 stick
Aeotec ZW098 LED Bulb
HIKVision DS-2DE-3304W-DE Camera
Envoy (old Model) Solar Monitor
So Far I have been able to get things to work by reading through the forum as well as the www generally.
I have hit a knowledge barrier and don’t know how to go further with what I am trying to learn.
This is a learning exercise to start with …
My issue is relatively simple in that I have an automation on Line crossing on my camera.
This is what I can see from the Automation Integration
- id: '1571203916476'
alias: Front Door Camera Line Crossing
description: B to A Line Crossing Front Door Camera
- entity_id: binary_sensor.ip_dome_line_crossing
platform: state
condition: []
- data:
entity_id: light.aeon_labs_zw098_led_bulb_level
service: light.turn_on"
This actually works but what I want to do is to be able to set the color of the LED Bulb to RED rather than warm white.
I have tried a number of things but none seem to work.
Is there some documentation on how I can achieve this?
If someone can show me how to fix this problem as well I would be grateful.
Other goals would be to have a slider to change color’s, temperature etc but I guess that still on the drawing board.
Thanks to all for great work on this so far.