Configuration key lexique


I read carefully this page to understand how to add device inside configuration.yaml.
But I don’t find explanation about keywords used inside configuration.yaml example : platform, state_topic, etc…

Can anybody say me where I can find these explanation please ?


What are you trying to add?

If it is an mqtt sensor:

I have a bash script on my rapsberry that compute and store data receive from sensor.
On my raspberry I have an home assistant instance.
I want raspberry bash script send data to homeassistant.
I see POST request that fit perfectly my need, but I don’t know how to add sensor in my configuration file. Because I don’t find explanation about what mean keywork inside configuration file, and what values are allowed.

Sensor can’t send data directly to home assistant because it will need to much hardware modifications (to flash again sensor I need to unsolder and it is not a good idea in view of my solder skill…)