Configuration of add-ons, specially of Mosquitto

I installed the Mosquitto Broker as add-on in Home Assistant: now I would like to configure it e.g. with some parameters like allow_anonymous, etc.
My questions:
Where is Mosquitto as add-on configured? In the page of the add-ons where Mosquitto shows a field „Customize“?, or in the configuration.yaml? or is there somewhere a file mosquitto.conf? Or in the tree of them?
Thanx in advance for answers and advices.

Rem.: I am not very skilled in Home Assistant.

Anonymous access is not supported.

Hello @tom_l,

thank you for the info, exactly what I was looking for.

I don’t understand then my Home Assistant behavior: I installed the Mosquitto add-on some days ago and immediatelly after that I could see the that my devices (integrated in Home Assistant) were sending messages. The devices are Tasmota flashed Sonoff smart plugs: listening to the topic: “#”.

The devices do not have credentials to login into Mosquitto, so I wonder how I could see their messages. the broker should had refused them!
The only device which behaved “correctly” was a Shelly Plug S, which needs Name and Password to login to the broker.

I set allow_anonymous: false in the settings of Mosquito (field “Customize”): nothing changed: I continued receiving the bunch of messages, so at the moment I do not know how to set the broker to accept only authenticated requests?

Or am I confusing things and the feature allow_anonymous means another functionality? In this case I would appreciate if somebody explains it to me.

Thanx for your responses.


My environment:
Home Assistant 2023.4.5
Supervisor 2023.04.0
Operating System 10.0
Frontend 20230411.1 - latest

Mosquitto Broker 6.2.0
Hardware: Raspberry Pi 4.