following the guide, I purchased a domain on for 1.90 (the first year), I created an account on cloudflare, I set the DNS that cloudflare gave me on aruba. I then edited the configuration.yaml file and under the http: section I entered
use_x_forwarded_for: true
I installed the cloudflare component on the HA in which configuration I inserted my domain on Aruba, I copied the tunnel ID and, after eliminating all the cloudflare DNS entries (as domhouse recommended in the guide), I created a CNAME, @ (root), ID of the tunnel to which I added at the end.
I clicked on refresh on the Log tab of the cloudflare component and it gives me this error
2023-11-16T16:26:14Z ERR error="Unable to reach the origin service. The service may be down or it may not be responding to traffic from cloudflared: EOF" cfRay=***-MRS event=1 ingressRule=0 originService=http://homeassistant:8123
2023-11-16T16:26:14Z ERR Request failed error="Unable to reach the origin service. The service may be down or it may not be responding to traffic from cloudflared: EOF" connIndex=3 dest=https://* **/ event=0 ip=*** type=http
While if I try to connect by entering h_ttps://mydomain it gives me the screen I attach:
Would anyone like to help me resolve this?
Thanks and bye