Configuration of ST7789(v)

Hey folks,

I ordered this 2.4" TFT ILI9341Display on Aliexpress, from the discription and the datasheet it says, the IC is the ILI9341:

After testing the display with esphome, only a square of 240x240 pixel are displayed correctly. And the color “red” and “blue” are swapped.

  clk_pin: GPIO18
  mosi_pin: GPIO23
  miso_pin: GPIO19
  - platform: ili9xxx
    model: ILI9341 
    cs_pin: GPIO5 #not in docs
    dc_pin: GPIO27
    reset_pin: GPIO33
    lambda: |-
      it.print(0, 0, id(my_font), id(color_red), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "red");
      it.print(100, 100, id(my_font), id(color_green), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "green");
      it.print(200, 200, id(my_font), id(color_blue), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "blue");

After changing to model: TFT 2.4R worked over the full screen with 320x240 pixel, but the colors “red” and “blue” are still swapped.

After a lot of testing, I used this Arduino GFX Library with the same Pin configuration on my ESP32 and noticed, that my Drive IC is a ST7789.

Now I try the ST7789V Component, but got it only working with the model: TTGO TDisplay 135x240. The problem is, that this too small for display.

So I tried the model: Costum:

  - platform: st7789v
    model: Custom 
    height: 320
    offset_height: 0
    width: 240
    offset_width: 0
    cs_pin: GPIO5 
    dc_pin: GPIO27
    reset_pin: GPIO33
    lambda: |-
      it.print(0, 0, id(my_font), id(color_red), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "red");
      it.print(100, 100, id(my_font), id(color_green), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "green");
      it.print(200, 200, id(my_font), id(color_blue), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "blue");

I got this in my log: [I][logger:326]: Log initialized[C][ota:473]: There have been 1 suspected unsu -
The buffer can’t be allocated.

So someone got that kind of IC running or got and suggestion what to do? Or a recommendation for 2.4" display with a small PCB overhang around the Display?

Thanks and greeting!