Configuration of the ORNO OR-WE-517 three-phase meter + Waveshare RS485 to ETH converter


I have this connection:
Orno WE517 for the above. Waveshare RS TO ETH converter and manual Modbus integration in the configuration.yaml file in homeasistant as below, unfortunately for several days now two of the same entities have been showing in the entity registry, e.g.

Active Energy L1 unavailable and comment (This entity is no longer provided by modbus. If the entity is no longer used, remove it in settings.)

Active Energy L1 undelivered and comment ( This entity (“sensor.active_energy_l1_2”) does not have a unique identifier, so its settings cannot be managed from the UI. More details can be found in [documentation](https://www.home-assistant. io/faq/unique_id) )

Below is my file, does anyone have an idea what is wrong, it seems to me that the change occurred in mid-September, after which hacks or homeasistant were updated


  • name: “WE517”
    retries: 10
    delay: 10
    message_wait_milliseconds: 1000
    timeout: 10
    type: tcp
    port: 4197
    • name: “Freq”
      entity_id: sensor.freq
      slave: 1
      address: 20
      data_type: float32
      precision: 2
      unit_of_measurement: HZ

   - name: "Voltage L1"
     entity_id: sensor.voltage_l1
	 slave: 1
     address: 14
     data_type: float32
     precision: 1
     unit_of_measurement: V
   - name: "Voltage L2"
     entity_id: sensor.voltage_l2
     slave: 1
     address: 16
     data_type: float32
     precision: 1
     unit_of_measurement: V 
   - name: "Voltage L3"
     entity_id: sensor.voltage_l3
     slave: 1
     address: 18
     data_type: float32
     precision: 1
     unit_of_measurement: V

   - name: "Current L1"
     entity_id: sensor.current_l1
     slave: 1
     address: 0x016
     data_type: float32
     precision: 1
     unit_of_measurement: A
   - name: "Current L2"
     entity_id: sensor.current_l2
     slave: 1
     address: 24
     data_type: float32
     precision: 1
     unit_of_measurement: A 
   - name: "Current L3"
     entity_id: sensor.current_l3
     slave: 1
     address: 26
     data_type: float32
     precision: 1
     unit_of_measurement: A

   - name: "Active Power Total"
     entity_id: sensor.active_power_total
     slave: 1
     address: 28
     data_type: float32
     precision: 2
     unit_of_measurement: kW 
   - name: "Active Power L1"
     entity_id: sensor.active_power_l1
     slave: 1
     address: 30
     data_type: float32
     precision: 2
     unit_of_measurement: kW 
   - name: "Active Power L2"
     entity_id: sensor.active_power_l2
     slave: 1
     address: 32
     data_type: float32
     precision: 2
     unit_of_measurement: kW
   - name: "Active Power L3"
     entity_id: sensor.active_power_l3
     slave: 1
     address: 34
     data_type: float32
     precision: 2
     unit_of_measurement: kW

   - name: "Active Energy Total"
     entity_id: sensor.active_energy_total
     slave: 1
     address: 256
     data_type: float32
     precision: 2
     unit_of_measurement: kWh
     state_class: total_increasing 
   - name: "Active Energy L1"
     entity_id: sensor.active_energy_l1
     slave: 1
     address: 258
     data_type: float32
     precision: 2
     unit_of_measurement: kWh
   - name: "Active Energy L2"
     entity_id: sensor.active_energy_l2
     slave: 1
     address: 260
     data_type: float32
     precision: 2
     unit_of_measurement: kWh 
   - name: "Active Energy L3"
     entity_id: sensor.active_energy_l3
     slave: 1
     address: 262
     data_type: float32
     precision: 2
     unit_of_measurement: kWh

Hello arni7
I just bought similar configuration, Waveshare RS485 POE to ETH and Orno WE-517.
I used this code to use it (sorry some word are in French :)):

  - name: "WE517"
    type: rtuovertcp
    port: 502
    delay: 10
    message_wait_milliseconds: 1000
    timeout: 10
        - name: "Tension L1"
          slave: 1
          address: 0x00E
          data_type: float32
          precision: 1
          unit_of_measurement: V
        - name: "Tension L2"
          slave: 1
          address: 0x010
          data_type: float32
          precision: 1
          unit_of_measurement: V
        - name: "Tension L3"
          slave: 1
          address: 0x012
          data_type: float32
          precision: 1
          unit_of_measurement: V
        - name: "Frequence"
          slave: 1
          address: 0x014
          data_type: float32
          precision: 2
          unit_of_measurement: HZ
        - name: "Courant L1"
          slave: 1
          address: 0x016
          data_type: float32
          precision: 1
          unit_of_measurement: A
        - name: "Courant L2"
          slave: 1
          address: 0x018
          data_type: float32
          precision: 1
          unit_of_measurement: A
        - name: "Courant L3"
          slave: 1
          address: 0x01A
          data_type: float32
          precision: 1
          unit_of_measurement: A
        - name: "Puissance Active Totale"
          slave: 1
          address: 0x01C
          data_type: float32
          precision: 1
          unit_of_measurement: kW
        - name: "Puissance Active L1"
          slave: 1
          address: 0x01E
          data_type: float32
          precision: 1
          unit_of_measurement: kW
        - name: "Puissance Active L2"
          slave: 1
          address: 0x020
          data_type: float32
          precision: 1
          unit_of_measurement: kW
        - name: "Puissance Active L3"
          slave: 1
          address: 0x022
          data_type: float32
          precision: 1
          unit_of_measurement: kW
        - name: "Puissance Reactive Totale"
          slave: 1
          address: 0x024
          data_type: float32
          precision: 1
          unit_of_measurement: kVar
        - name: "Puissance Reactive L1"
          slave: 1
          address: 0x026
          data_type: float32
          precision: 1
          unit_of_measurement: kVar
        - name: "Puissance Reactive L2"
          slave: 1
          address: 0x028
          data_type: float32
          precision: 1
          unit_of_measurement: kVar
        - name: "Puissance Reactive L3"
          slave: 1
          address: 0x02A
          data_type: float32
          precision: 1
          unit_of_measurement: kVar
        - name: "Puissance Apparente Totale"
          slave: 1
          address: 0x02C
          data_type: float32
          precision: 1
          unit_of_measurement: kVA
        - name: "Puissance Apparente L1"
          slave: 1
          address: 0x02E
          data_type: float32
          precision: 1
          unit_of_measurement: kVA
        - name: "Puissance Apparente L2"
          slave: 1
          address: 0x030
          data_type: float32
          precision: 1
          unit_of_measurement: kVA
        - name: "Puissance Apparente L3"
          slave: 1
          address: 0x032
          data_type: float32
          precision: 1
          unit_of_measurement: kVA
        - name: "Energie Active Totale"
          slave: 1
          address: 0x100
          data_type: float32
          precision: 1
          unit_of_measurement: kWh
        - name: "Energie Active L1"
          slave: 1
          address: 0x102
          data_type: float32
          precision: 1
          unit_of_measurement: kWh
        - name: "Energie Active L2"
          slave: 1
          address: 0x104
          data_type: float32
          precision: 1
          unit_of_measurement: kWh
        - name: "Energie Active L3"
          slave: 1
          address: 0x106
          data_type: float32
          precision: 1
          unit_of_measurement: kWh```

Home Assistant 2024.12.5 core