I have my LG washing machine and dryer setup with home assistant. My wife and I have noticed we sometimes forget to move the clothes from the washer to the dryer. We have two young kids and get busy.
My question is: is how would I setup in home assistant to send a notification, if the washing machine has ended but 45 minutes later the dryer hasn’t turned on.
I know how to send notifications to our phones. I know what device/entity and state I need to trigger when the washer is done, and if/when the dryer has started. what I don’t know is how to setup this automation.
To me this is how it would work.
Washing Machine cycle = done
for the next 45 minutes test if Dryer cycle turns on
If yes: do nothing
if no: notify phone
as a side note, I have notifications setup to let us know when the washer is done, and when the dryer is done. I have even put a water detection sensor on the floor below the washing machine, and if it detects water it turns the washing machine off. (we did this because the washing machine had a leak recently)