Configuration question

I have my LG washing machine and dryer setup with home assistant. My wife and I have noticed we sometimes forget to move the clothes from the washer to the dryer. We have two young kids and get busy.

My question is: is how would I setup in home assistant to send a notification, if the washing machine has ended but 45 minutes later the dryer hasn’t turned on.

I know how to send notifications to our phones. I know what device/entity and state I need to trigger when the washer is done, and if/when the dryer has started. what I don’t know is how to setup this automation.

To me this is how it would work.

Washing Machine cycle = done
for the next 45 minutes test if Dryer cycle turns on
If yes: do nothing
if no: notify phone

as a side note, I have notifications setup to let us know when the washer is done, and when the dryer is done. I have even put a water detection sensor on the floor below the washing machine, and if it detects water it turns the washing machine off. (we did this because the washing machine had a leak recently)

The easiest way is to start a timer when the washer finishes. You can create one in the gui in the helper section. The docs show you how to create automations based on timers.

When the dryer starts, you abort the timer if it is running. When the timer runs out, you send the message. If all goes well the message is not sent because the dryer aborted the timer, so it never got the chance to fire the timer finished event.


Thanks for the quick reply. I will give this a try today. It seems to be just what I want to have happen!

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