Configuration Roller Shutter

Good evening and happy Sunday,
I have a problem with shutter management.
I installed a Shelly 2.5 device as “Roller Shutter” configured in HA with the MQTT protocol. Everything works correctly except for the “open” “closed” shutter status and the slide bar for opening percentage adjustment. Unknown is display from the status.
Below is the configuration file in HA.
Does anyone know the problem?
Thanks for your help.

  • platform: mqtt
    name: “Tapparella scale”
    state_topic: “shellies/shellyswitch25-5DBC6F/roller/0”
    command_topic: “shellies/shellyswitch25-5DBC6F/roller/0/command”
    position_topic: “shellies/shellyswitch25-5DBC6F/roller/0/pos”
    qos: 1
    retain: false
    payload_open: “open”
    payload_close: “close”
    payload_stop: “stop”
    optimistic: false
    position_open: 100
    position_closed: 0
    value_template: ‘{{ value.x }}’

Make sure you format your code next time. It’s hard to spot any errors without proper formatting…

Please try the following configuration and see if it works.

- platform: mqtt
  name: "Tapparella scale"
  command_topic: "shellies/shellyswitch25-5DBC6F/roller/0/command"
  position_topic: "shellies/shellyswitch25-5DBC6F/roller/0/pos"
  set_position_topic: "shellies/shellyswitch25-5DBC6F/roller/0/command/pos"
  availability_topic: "shellies/shellyswitch25-5DBC6F/online"
  payload_available: "true"
  payload_not_available: "false"
  qos: 1
  retain: false
  payload_open: "open"
  payload_close: "close"
  payload_stop: "stop"
  position_open: 100
  position_closed: 0
  optimistic: false

If you are comfortable with using automations, you could also add the following one there to receive the status of your Shelly device(s) right when home assistant is started.

- alias: 'Status Info at Start'
  id: sias
    - platform: homeassistant
      event: start
    - service: mqtt.publish
        topic: 'shellies/command'
        payload: 'update'

Thanks Florian as soon as I can I test your configuration.

Hi Florian,
I have uploaded your configuration but unfortunately I have the same problem. the shutters work but I have no indication of their status. Also, I noticed, I have a warning: Payload is not integer within range:
Thanks anyway for your help.

Did you calibrate your roller shutter?
Can you post the mqqt messages your shelly sends when opening/closing your shutter?

My example works flawless for me (using a shelly 2, not 2.5) and i’d like to know the difference :slight_smile:

I have calibrated the shutters with the procedure without error.
how can I read MQTT messages from my Rasberry? I directly flash the Hassio image on the SD memory. :worried:

you can use a tool like MQTT.fx to connect to your mqtt broker. Just use the same login data like you’ve used for home assistant. Then subscribe to shellies/# and use your roller shutter like you normally do.

If you used the community mqtt add-on there is even a mqtt client web interface included and you don’t need to use MQTT.fx. I never tried it though.

I installed a shelly 2.5 in a rolling shutter working toghether with a Bticino button.
Then I integrated HA with haaska and configured the shelly as cover in HA.
I find the right Shelly configuration to have the physical Bticino button working as before but now it looks it works fine together with the Shelly app.
Anyway aI have a couple of question:

I got an error when I try to calibrate the shutter with the Shelly App. Then the shutter starts to go down and up by itself (calibration procedure?). Unfortunately after this, if I set the shutter to 50% it was far to be half opened/closed so the calibration looks to be failed or completely wrong.

When I use Alexa to open/close the shutter I cannot stop it between the end run positions.
Looking at Matt server log I can see that the Shelly subribes to these topics:

1559390369: Sending PUBLISH to homeassistant (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'shellies/shellyswitch25-E66CFA/roller/0', ... (4 bytes))

1559390369: Received PUBLISH from shellyswitch25-E66CFA (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'shellies/shellyswitch25-E66CFA/roller/0/pos', ... (2 bytes))

1559390369: Received PUBLISH from shellyswitch25-E66CFA (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'shellies/shellyswitch25-E66CFA/roller/0/power', ... (4 bytes))

1559390369: Received PUBLISH from shellyswitch25-E66CFA (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'shellies/shellyswitch25-E66CFA/relay/power', ... (4 bytes))

1559390369: Received PUBLISH from shellyswitch25-E66CFA (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'shellies/shellyswitch25-E66CFA/roller/0/energy', ... (3 bytes))

1559390369: Received PUBLISH from shellyswitch25-E66CFA (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'shellies/shellyswitch25-E66CFA/relay/energy', ... (3 bytes))

1559390369: Received PUBLISH from shellyswitch25-E66CFA (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'shellies/shellyswitch25-E66CFA/input/0', ... (1 bytes))

1559390369: Received PUBLISH from shellyswitch25-E66CFA (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'shellies/shellyswitch25-E66CFA/input/1', ... (1 bytes))

1559390369: Received PUBLISH from shellyswitch25-E66CFA (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'shellies/shellyswitch25-E66CFA/temperature', ... (5 bytes))

1559390369: Received PUBLISH from shellyswitch25-E66CFA (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'shellies/shellyswitch25-E66CFA/overtemperature', ... (1 bytes))

1559390399: Received PUBLISH from shellyswitch25-E66CFA (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'shellies/shellyswitch25-E66CFA/roller/0', ... (4 bytes))

What is the right HA cover configuraion?
I copied from somewhere this but it looks there is something not coherent (missing something?)with mqtt logs:

- platform: mqtt
  unique_id: "tapparella_camera"
  name: "Tapparella camera"
  state_topic: "shellies/shellyswitch25-E66CFA/roller/0"   
  command_topic: "shellies/shellyswitch25-E66CFA/roller/0/command"  
  payload_open: "open"
  payload_close: "close"
  payload_stop: "stop"
  state_open: "open"
  state_closed: "close"
  retain: false
  optimistic: false
  qos: 0
  position_open: 100
  position_closed: 0
  value_template: '{{ value.x }}'

Then I got a lot of messages like this in HA logs:

WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.mqtt.cover] Payload is not integer within range:

What is all the complete list of vocal commands I can use with Alexa to command shutters?
