Configuration.yaml is blank

NO. If you install the Hassio image you don’t need anything else. If you plug in a monitor, you will see a Home Assistant logo for a while then you will need to use the ip-address:8123 as the monitor will go blank.

Struggling getting the image to the SD. Win32 says access denied. Etcher says my SD is too small.

Did you look on the RPi site? Like I said earlier, there are extra steps you need to use with >32gb SD Cards.

maybe also to clean up the mess on the card, first use MiniToolPartitionWizard to delete all partitions on the card and create one blank partition…

I did the format to NTFS then the guiformat. I can see the E: drive and confirmed it is FAT32 shows up as 63GB. Will look into removing partitions. I have to get up in a few hours to go to work. Going to try and get some shut-eye. Thank you for your help!

Can you give me directions on that or a link? Maybe one with video as well. Still not getting the image on the micro sd. Suspect a partition but not sure. Thanks for all your help. Nick