Configuration.yaml is blank

I did backup of the configuration.yaml called configuration.bak. About a month ago, I tried doing an update to my Pi and HA. 1st, I noticed errors in the upgrade, then my sensors were not recognized in HA. SO I went into the yaml files. When I save them, they go blank. I was able to open an old version. Modified it and saved as another file name. Then my old version is blank. What is going on?

I just noticed… This says update available 72 weeks ago. WHAT!!!

Thanks. Nick

I have seen this before, I started HASSIO with backup copy of the configuration file and it overwrote the one I put into the directory. I had to copy the information from the backup file and paste into the blank file and save it.

And NOW my backup is blank as well! ?

When I was first playing with darksky I was seemingly getting it wiping out my config etc.

It could be your SD-Card or power supply. First place to be looking.

I’m ready to start all over again. This time; I have a 64GB SD. This is going to be run on a RPi3B. I was going to install HASSIO. But the Install page still says it’s not yet available for the 3b. What is the next best thing: Hasbian or the AIO? This was confusing 6 months ago and still is. Which version to use? I will be using a Laptop with Windows 7, 64bit enterprise version to install it onto the SD card. I do have win32 disk imager.

Waiting on a reply. Thanks!

It says for the 3b+ Notice the + at the end.

Support for the Raspberry Pi 3 model B+ is available in the alternative installation method Hassbian. The recently released Raspberry Pi 3 model B+ is not yet supported by

Since the AIO is deprecated, your only options are Hassbian, Raspbian+python venv install, or any distro running Docker, if you do indeed have a 3b+ and not just a 3b.

Hassio is fine on a 3B - that’s what I use. The 3B+ isn’t supported yet

I’m not a RasberryPi expert. I feel stupid for asking. I got mine as a gift. I do not know if it is a B or B+ Inscribed on it says Raspberry Pi 3 Model B V.2

Is the V.2 the +?

When did you get it?

The b+ only came out on 14th March, 2018

Sorry, kids took over the computer. I think I answered my own question but you confirmed it.
I’ve had it for almost a year now. So that means I can install HASS IO correct. Going to watch Bens (BRUH) installation video again and give it a “Go”. If I get stuck, I can count on you to help fix what I’ve screwed up?

Etcher states the sd card is too small. It’s a blank 64GB sd. Is there a Win32 version that I can use?


Did it have a raspberry pi install on it before?

You might need to use the command line on Windows to clear it out. Or you can try win32 disk imager. Just need to pull the image out of the file (use 7zip)

SD-Cards bigger than 32gb are a bastard. I remember reading on the Raspberry Pi site about this… You can’t format it in the normal way if I remember correctly…

Hassio will be great on that Pi!

Also… hate to say it but I find etcher sucks. I fine Win32DiskImager much more reliable

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New SD card. Not too familiar with win32 but it seems to be working. Reports it will take around 50 minutes. Does this sound correct? What I did was select the file, then clicked read.

Once that’s done… Click “Write”?

I had another question. This installs Mosquitto MQTT as well?

Yes, I agree. Etcher sucks!

Only if you install it in the ‘add-ons’

The only thing hassio does on it’s own is install hassio container and the supervisor to run it. Everything else is on you to ‘install’

Thank you. I’m sure I’ll catch on once I get it up and running.

I should be getting more than just a steady single red light on the Raspberry Pi3B?

I don’t need to install & configure NOOBS or Raspbian 1st?