Configure 50+ Z-Wave devices at once

Any tips for how to send configuration to many Z-Wave devices at the same time? I have 30+ Inovelli dimmer switches and will be adding 30 more in the near future. They’re lovely devices but I have some preferences I want to send to all of them. I’d also like to be able to do it again and again if I need to tweak them.

Ideally I would have some kind of default config that any new device of a specific model would take.

Scripted configuration of devices is discouraged in ha now. When everything was yaml it would have been easier.

So is this sending the z-wave configuration parameters to multiple devices?

What z-wave integration are you using? The inbuilt z-wave, zwave2mqtt or ozwdaemon as they all have different capabilities.

I can only say for zwave2mqtt that the functionality to set configuration parameters to multiple devices at the same time doesn’t exist. Pretty sure it doesn’t exist in the built in z-wave integration either, but cannot comment on the ozwdaemon capabilities.

I’m using the built in Z-Wave features.

I don’t even care if it’s simultaneously, as long as I don’t have to run something 50 times. Maybe it’s some kind of script that iterates over devices.

So these commands are being sent to the devices rather than being part of the ha configuration? Should be easy enough in mqtt with python if you are using zwave2mqtt.